
The oral health of sportsmen and women in question

What is the connection between a cavity and joint inflammation? One might be tempted to answer: none. However, dental specialists have long been aware of the relationship between the two. And many sportsmen and women are unaware of the impact of oral health on their sporting activities.

The phenomenon was first observed in professional sports clubs (football, basketball, handball, rugby, etc.). Medical staff have indeed highlighted a link between the formation of cavities and certain injuries after observing that the convalescence was longer in players with damaged teeth . The bacteria that form cavities release toxins through the mouth wall into the bloodstream and attach themselves to inflammation, thereby delaying healing.

If you play sport regularly, it is advisable to avoid drinking too many fruity or energy drinks and ideally to replace them withpure water.
Because although these drinks provide the minerals, vitamins and energy needed for muscular effort, they are usually too acidic. And it is well known that the combination of Acidity + SUGAR is the main factor behind the proliferation of cariogenic bacteria and the formation of cavities.

In terms of prevention, it is recommended to brush your teeth three times a day, preferably after each meal, in order to eliminate bacteria and food debris and to reduce the acidity accumulated in the mouth.

Furthermore, the position of the teeth can also have an impact on the sportsman's muscles. Indeed, pathologies linked to dental occlusion (bad superposition of teeth, clenching, bruxism, etc.) can create asymmetrical muscular tensions and lead to muscular and tendinous pathologies such as pubalgia, which affects many footballers.
To remedy this, a dental surgeon can, after an occlusal assessment, carry out a re-balancing by fitting mandibular repositioning splints.

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