
About "Smile Bars" and teeth whitening.

For some time now, we have been seeing a proliferation of these "smile bars" throughout France. This development has received a surprising amount of media attention, against a backdrop of controversy about the cost of dental procedures. In my opinion, all of this deserves some clarification ;-))

See our practical information sheet on whitening here.

First of all, I understand that this trend of "smile bars" responds to a growing need for aesthetics. We live in a society where the image we project plays a major role in our relationship with others. This demand for health, well-being and good looks is confronted with economic requirements and the pressure to believe that everything must be done quickly.

"Smile bars" ultimately exploit the hope of having a dazzling smile, at the lowest possible price and in the shortest possible time. But what are the risks of these "smile shops"?

  1. The people in charge of these shops are not trained at all! Neither in the diagnosis, nor in the screening, nor in the analysis of your smile! And there are many cases where the lightening of the teeth can be contraindicated. When the indication is wrong, or when the thinning is badly conducted, the result can be catastrophic and ... irreversible !!! For example, if certain gels are applied to crowns with a metallic infrastructure, a tattoo of the gum can occur; and these tattoos are almost impossible to remove...
  2. Theoretically, only products with a concentration of no more than 0.1% of hydrogen peroxide present or released are considered cosmetic products, and therefore authorised in these shops. However, the lightening "performances" that these "bars" promise are not possible without the use of a more concentrated product (reserved for professional use), so there are two possibilities: either these promises are unfounded, and we are faced with false advertising, or the products used do not comply with the regulations and are used illegally! with the risks that this implies in terms of public health In any case, there is real doubt about the products used...
  3. A priori, these "bars" are not obliged to take out professional liability insurance (RCP) unlike ALL French dentists. This means that if you are injured while visiting one of these "bars", or if you suffer any damage whatsoever, you are absolutely not covered by the insurance of this "bar"! and there is no possible recourse since in these "bars", it is you yourself who apply the product... This requirement of RCP, is moreover fundamental, and it is one of the reasons why the French authorities strongly advise against having dental work carried out abroad. In the event of a problem, there is no coverage and no recourse possible.
  4. All this has led the Ministry of Health to publish the following statement on its website: (available here)

"[...] in fact, bleaching products, especially if used in high concentrations or repeatedly, have a demineralising effect on the hard tissues of the tooth and increase their permeability; in addition to the risk of mechanical weakening of the tooth, the dental pulp may be more exposed to chemical and thermal aggression. Finally, these products react with dental filling materials (amalgams, composites) and can degrade the junction between tooth and filling, thus favouring infiltrations and recurrence of caries.

In view of these risks and contraindications, an examination of the teeth and oral mucosa by a dental surgeon is essential prior to any tooth whitening treatment.

In conclusion, your smile is far too precious to be entrusted to amateurs. French dentists are trained and qualified to meet your expectations in complete safety. Do not hesitate to ask us questions and to share your aesthetic requests with us. We will listen to you and advise you.

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